Początkujący gracz
-purple pricer
-terror pit x2
-critical blade
-swamp worm x3
-wandiger braineater x2
-dethiger,lion of chaos x2
-dark revearsal x2
-dark raven,shadow of grief
-marrow.Ooze the twister
-grey ballon,shadow of grief
-horrid worm x2
-gregorian worm
-chains of sacrifice
-chaos worm x2
-amber pricer
-bone assasin the riper
-jewel spider
-ultracide wormdeath smoke
-darc clown
-sinister,general damudo(moj ulubiony)
-aqua hulcuc x2
-spiral gate x2
-aqua king
-king aquakumi
-aqua guard x2
-phantom fish
-hunter fish
-ferie kid
-aqua vehickle
-roterier fish
-marine flower
NO i to jkoniec, smialo oceniac : )