
#1 2010-06-10 12:09:13



Zarejestrowany: 2010-06-10
Posty: 1
Punktów :   

Moja dire/darkness deck

Galklife dragon
Explosive dude joe
Bolzard Dragon x2
Wandering braineater x4
Bloody Squito x4
Gray Balloon,Shadow of Greed
Dark Clown
Deathiger,Lion of Chaos x3
Dotoulgyser,Giant Rock Beast x2
Brawler Zyler x2
Stonesaur x2
Bolshack Dragon x2
Blasto,Explosive Soldier x2
Jrox,General of Destruction
Rothus,the Travel x2
RUmble Gate
Super Explosive Volcanodon
Scarlet Skyterror
Sword of malevolent Death
Chaotic Skyterror x2
Mini Titan Gett x2
Armored Cannon Balbaro
Garkago Dragon x2
Volcanic Arrows
Death Smoke x2
Terror Pit x2
Critical Blade
Photocide,Lord of the sastes
Purple Piercer
Dogarn,the marauder

Proszę o komentarze co mogę w niej zmienić

Ostatnio edytowany przez Dragnon (2010-06-10 12:24:07)



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